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- From: wise0001@indirect.com (WiseOne)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.research,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.paranet.abduct,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.sci.time-travel,alt.sci.planetary,alt.ufo.reports,alt.alien,alt.bermuda.triangle
- Subject: Re: UFOS in the Bible.
- Date: Sat, 15 Jun 1996 22:40:36 GMT
- Organization:
- Lines: 34
- Message-ID: <4pveel$if@globe.indirect.com>
- References: <4ma9gu$8tb@info.abdn.ac.uk> <4msecr$c7l@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4n06ho$gmu@lastactionhero.rs.itd.umich.edu> <conrad4-1105962343160001@dal25-29.ppp.iadfw.net> <4n7lf8$dvr@lastactionhero.rs.itd.umich.edu> <31BD644C.3803@goodnet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: s36.abq-dialin2.hollyberry.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.research:25715 alt.alien.visitors:87591 alt.conspiracy.area51:11207 alt.paranet.abduct:5768 alt.paranet.ufo:53115 alt.sci.time-travel:5383 alt.sci.planetary:5090 alt.ufo.reports:9291
- Kevin Humphryes <kevinh@goodnet.com> wrote:
- ---Adam Wheelock BoisvertI don't
- believe in Aliens because if they look like us that means they
- >would have to have some of the same DNA as us. And if they are from outer
- >space we've already explored our solar system that means the next closest
- >star system is Alpha Centauri which is 4.5 light years away. The fastest
- >you can go is the speed of light. So think of how much food and water
- >you need for four years. Also think how much you urinate and have bowel
- >movements. Therefore there must not be any aliens in Area51 or in the
- >Bible.
- First of all, just because something might look the same, doesn't
- mean it MUST be constructed of the exact same materials and/or DNA.
- This is proven simply by the way replica's of some items made from
- plastic end up looking exactly like the originals. Only after the
- plastic item is examined is it detirmined to be of a different
- material.
- Secondly, the statement of Light Speed being the fastest one can go
- is only a theory. Einstein noted that there are more than three
- dimensions, some which we will probably never know. If another
- civilization, completely different from our own, were to mature into a
- technological stage, who is to say they would discover the EXACT same
- dimensions we have discovered. Corn wasn't known to exist until the
- Indians gave it to the pilgrims, yet it was a basic part of the
- Indian's existance.
- We musn't discount all that is possible. Our understanding of the
- Universe and all it might hold is EXTREMELY limited.